How does it work?
Musician of the Year 2024
Important Notice
No jury comments provided in this annual competition.
The applicant own at least 6 available Award Points«.
This competition is for performer candidates only. Applicants must submit a video of their own performance.
Videos failed to meet the Requirements« will not be accepted.
Late submission will not be accepted.
General Rules
Musician of the Year is an annual performance-based competition that only opens to previous seasonal winners who have 6+ award points.
Musician of the Year is an independent competition which consists of a First Round, Semi-final Round and a Final Round (stream) using the same video submitted. Your submitted video will be open to the public for Audience Vote if you get through to the Semi-Final Round and will be streamed online if you advance to the Final Round.
Each round has a different jury panels. Judges will score the performance video based on the following aspects: 1) fluency and accuracy 2) character and expressiveness 3) performing technique 4) creativity and stage presentation.
All instruments/vocal are competing together in the same age-category.
Candidates with a score over 70 out of 100 will be selected to the Semi-final Round.
Candidates with a score of Top 60 in the Semi-final Round will be selected to the Final Round according to their marks gained in Semi-final Round.
Your submitted video will be open to public for Audience Vote if you get through to the Semi-Final Round.
Your submitted video will be online streamed if you get through to the Final Round.
Semifinalists will be announced on 14th April 2024 (TBC).
Finalists will be announced on 21st April 2024 (TBC).
Final results will be announced on 29th April 2024 (TBC).
3 Categories
Free choice of piece(s) within the total time restriction
Master (age 28 & under) - within 10mins
Artist (age 15 & under) - within 8 mins
Talent (age 10 & under) - within 5 mins
*The competition age is determined by candidate's age or group members' average age on 1st March 2024.
Grand First, Second, and Third Prize
Each grand prize will be awarded to one winner only in each age-category. This means there will be only one recipient for each of the first, second, and third prizes in each age-category, with all instruments and vocals competing together.
If a candidate successfully get through to the Final Round, the final ranking will be determined by the total mark a candidate obtained in Semi-final Round and Final Round. If there is a tie, audience vote will determine the final results.
The audience votes will only affect tied candidates. For example - Person A and person B both gained a total mark 150 from jury panels, person C gained a total mark 149 from jury panels. The first prize, second prize will go to A or B according to their audience votes results. C will be the third prize winner, even if he gets higher audience votes than A or B. View« image demonstration
The total cash award is £1000, distributed among the Grand Prize winners as follows: £300 (Master category First Prize), £150 (Master category Second Prize), £100 (Master category Third Prize), £150 (Artist category First Prize), £90 (Master category Second Prize), £50 (Master category Third Prize), £80 (Talent category First Prize), £50 (Talent category Second Prize), and £30 (Talent category Third Prize).
The Grand First Prize winner will receive one trophy and one paper certificate. The Grand Second and Third Prize winners will be awarded one medal and one paper certificate each. In the case of the chamber group winner, a single prize will be given to the group as a whole, rather than individual members. Additional prizes can be requested at an additional cost.
Grand First, Second and Third Prize winner are eligible to make award CD at additional cost.
Fans' Favourite Award
Only the candidates who get into the Semi-final Round can enter the Fans' Favourite Award selection.
Fans' Favourite Award will be determined by the audience votes ranking only.
Two Fans' Favourite Awards will be awarded to those with highest number of audience votes in each category - minimum 20 votes required.
One teddy bear will be sent to the winner worldwide for free. For chamber group winner, one prize will be given to the group not to each group member. Additional prizes can be requested at an additional cost.
Fans' Favourite Award winners are eligible to order paper certificate and winner medal at additional cost.
Annual Maestro Prize
Maestro Prize (e.g., Maestro Composition, Maestro Stylish Performance, etc.) may be awarded based on the jury's recommendations for candidates who have delivered outstanding performances and reached the final round.
Maestro Prize winners are eligible to order paper certificate and winner medal at additional cost.
Musician of the Year Awards
Musician of the Year Awards (title according to the performing instruments/vocal, eg. Pianist of the Year) will be award to the candidates who get through to the Final Round.
Musician of the Year Award winners are eligible to order paper certificate and winner medal at additional cost.
Musician of the Year Award winners are eligible to make award CD at additional cost.
Annual Special Awards
Special awards (e.g., Creative Musician, Outstanding Chamber Performance, etc.) may be granted based on the jury's recommendations for candidates who have delivered outstanding performances up to the semi-final round.
Special Award winners are eligible to order paper certificate and winner medal at additional cost.
Annual Star Musician Award
Annual Star Musician Award will be award to the candidates who get through to the Semi-final Round.
Annual Star Musician Award winners are eligible to order paper certificate and winner medal at additional cost.
Annual Star Musician Award winners are eligible to make award CD at additional cost.
Teacher Award
Annual Prize/Award winners are eligible to request a free e-certificate for their teachers.
Annual Prize/Award winners are eligible to order paper certificates and medals for their teachers at an additional cost.
Audience Vote
Online Public Voting (Time-limited)
Your submitted video will be open to public for Audience Vote if you get through to the Semi-Final Round.
Audience vote will begin simultaneously with the Final Round streaming.
Voting method will be announced on the voting day.
This voting will be open for 24 hours only.
Two Fans' Favourite Awards will be awarded to those with highest number of votes in each category - minimum 20 votes required.
If there is a tie in prize ranking, audience vote will determine the final results. View« image demonstration
Fans' Favourite Award results will be announced on 29th April 2024.
We support fair and honest audience votes. The analysis team will count real likes based on the network data after voting session ends.
Competition Flowchart
Audience Quiz Game
Submit Answers to Win the LYM Teddy Bear
We will also have the quiz game for the final round audience. Questions will pop up at random places in the final rounds streaming videos.
Submit your answers before the notified deadlines.
We will randomly draw two winners from the quiz game from the audience who get the most correct answers.
The winner will get a LYM Teddy Bear as the reward (free shipping worldwide).
Each audience can only win once.
Quiz game results will be announced on 29th April 2024.